What Makes Quality Granite

A Slab of Quality Granite

Granite is an excellent choice for countertops in kitchens and bathrooms. Although it is beautiful and durable, all granite is not the same. There are subtle differences, and this blog post from the team at Top It Off, Inc. will discuss them.

What the primary differentiation in quality granite in Pittsburgh is multifold. Grading is a significant factor, but it is not an industry standard, with most retailers using their own in-house grading system. Low-grade granite has more soft stone minerals and less color variation as a rule of thumb. Mid-grade has bright colors and more vibrant patterns. High-grade granite is known for its unique color, variation, and pattern.

Quality granite comes in many colors, but some are rare and therefore cost more than the common shades. Red, purple, and blue granite have higher price tags because they are not standard, while green and beige are more readily available. Reds and browns are harder, and whites and grays are softer.

The other central element to consider is thickness. Thicker examples are of higher quality. Slabs that are 1.25” are generally used for countertops. This thickness provides the weight, solidity, and durability that consumers associate with granite.

If you want to know more about granite countertops, contact the team at Top It Off, Inc.