Prevent Your Soapstone Countertops from Fading

A Kitchen With Soapstone Countertops

You might love having some natural light come into your kitchen or bathroom, but your soapstone countertops in Wheeling, WV, might have a different opinion on the matter. This is because soapstone can begin to fade over time if it is subjected to direct and prolonged exposure to the sun. Thankfully, there are ways for you to prevent your countertops from fading. Some of the best tips for avoiding sun damage include:

Keeping Your Countertop Clean – There is a resin on your countertop that is designed to protect them for a long time. However, this resin can begin to fade prematurely if the surface is always damp or wet. To ensure your resin remains in the best condition, it is essential to remove any food particles or dirt from the surface while also ensuring you don’t leave any wetness behind.

Close the Blinds – If you aren’t using your kitchen, then it isn’t a bad idea to close your blinds. This helps you not only protect your countertops, but can also help you reduce fading of your cabinets as well.

Switching Sealants – In addition to infused resins, soapstone counters also have a sealant that protects them from moisture and water damage. Over time, your sealant can begin to lose its effectiveness. If you notice that water is no longer beading on your counter and is instead getting immediately absorbed, it is time to replace your sealant.